David Bradford~ “Q&A”!!!

  1. Hello David, can you tell me a little bit about yourself before you became a country musician?

I was born in Littleton, Colorado. We then moved to Houston, Texas, then Cartagena, Columbia, and then Arlington, Texas. It was in Arlington that I started playing guitar.
I started writing music when I was 13. Before I picked up a guitar I used to write a lot of poetry as a kid. I’ve always had a penchant for writing. When I began learning how to play an instrument, I realized that I enjoyed marrying lyrics with melody. There is a magical feeling that comes with creating something out of thin air. I grew up in a very religious household. My mom was from West Virginia and my Dad grew up in Columbia. His folks were missionaries. I moved to Calgary, Alberta, Canada when I was 21.

2. When did you start listening to country music and when did you know you wanted a career in it?

It’s funny because I personally listen to Hard Rock and Metal most of the time, but I write predominantly Country now. Just given all of the places I’ve lived, almost all of them (excluding Columbia) have had a very strong Country theme. Back in Texas, we grew up listening to George Strait. I would say he was my favorite artist at that time and I still love his music. My Papa (my Mom’s dad) was a huge Johnny Cash fan. So we listened to him a lot when we would visit them. As an artist, Country music was something I’ve always dabbled in since I was about 19 or so. I’ve gone back and forth with it since then. At the age of 34, I realized that Country was the place I was best suited to. Music was always my focus but for a long time I thought I might just stick with being a songwriter and try and write for other artists; just because I liked to write across all genres. It made it difficult for me to choose to wear one hat. I’ve always loved so many aspects of Country music. Nashville players are some of the best in the world. I love the story telling, the melodies, the sincerity and the humility to Country music

3. Who are some of your musical icons?

From the Country realm, I would say George Strait. I always enjoyed how genuine he seemed. Honesty is an important trait for me when it comes to music. A real rancher with a great voice and what seemed like a good heart.

It sounds strange I suppose coming from a Country artist, but Corey Taylor is one of my biggest icons. He’s the frontman for Stone Sour and Slipknot. Slipknot is one of my favorite bands of all time.

4. What is the background story behind your latest song “A Little Light?”

“A Little Light” is about how much we struggle for a piece of peace. All the trials and bad times we go through that produce the moments and gifts in life, however brief they may be. Facing so much darkness for just a little light. It seems daunting at times but when we see that bit of light, we know it was all worth the cost to create that spark of hope. There is great beauty in the sadness.

5. Where are some of your favorite venues or events to play at?

One of my favorite recent experiences was at a local coffee shop. I played with two other local artists. It was a songwriters showcase. There, we had the pleasure of telling our stories behind the songs to the audience. It was a wonderful way to connect with people and create new fans in a meaningful way.

Other than that, the best events are the ones where people strictly go for the music. Often times as struggling independent artists, we tend to be in the background. So when I get a chance to perform at events where people are just there for the music, I revel in it.

6. What do you like to do in your free time when you are not working on your music?

I am a full time musician, but in my part time I am a CrossFit coach. I’ve been in the fitness industry for the last 10 years and did some competing with it as well. I’m also a pretty big video game nerd! 

7. What is your recording process like when creating new music?

It varies. When it comes to the creative process, I feel it’s best for me to just let it flow. I don’t like to force things, otherwise, it creates dishonest music. Many times I dream songs, voice memo it in the middle of the night and then wake up and start writing/recording. I like to keep things as simple as possible. It can be easy to overdo it but the less is more approach is a good motto to keep in the forefront of the process. I always try my best to speak from the heart.

8. What is one of your favorite quotes?

I tend to write my own quotes/mantras. One of the benefits of being a writer. I would say one of my favorite quotes I’ve written is:

“Your journey does not begin with the stars, it starts in the dirt.”

It’s a reminder that most of us have to struggle quite a lot to get anywhere. Life is hard earned, especially the achievements that are worth the toil. Never expect to be handed anything. You have to fight for everything.

10. Is there anything else you would like to share?

I think that pretty much covers it! Thank you for reaching out and asking more about who I am as a person and an artist. It’s always enjoyable to open up and let people discover more about who you are as a creative person.

About Dixiedeeblog

Meet Dixiedee Howdy: Thank you for stopping by my Dixiedee Blog!! I am a brown hair and hazel eye southern California gal living in the LA area. I started this country music blog because I wanted to share about my favorite country artists and groups, delicious recipes. I also do Q&A's and Artist Spotlights with country artists/groups so you guys can learn more about them. Lastly, I love to share anything else that is related to country music.. If you have any questions/comments- then please me email at dixiedeeblog@gmail.com.

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